Hello, my name is Robert Pound, and I'm your product technologist for Quest. This video will cover connections in Toad for SAP solutions.
In Toad, there are many different ways to create a connection. You can create one from the ribbon bar, or you can create one from the connections manager, either here in the toolbar or by right clicking and choosing Create.
In Toad for SAP solutions, there are several different options to connect to, whether you have SAP HANA, IQ, SQL Anywhere, or ASE, depending on what you select, some of the options will be different but in all the different options, you will have a host user name and password. So let me go ahead and enter in that information now.
And I'm using the default port. And I'm going to choose Save Password so that way I don't have to enter it in every time I want to connect. I can simply double click. You may want to keep that option unchecked for your organization.
And I'll just go ahead and connect. Now we've established a connection to my SAP ASE database. And if I hover over it, I will get some information on the connection itself. And we can see the little green arrow indicating that I'm actually connected. So from here, if I wanted to create another connection to this database, I could choose Create Connection Like.
So what this will do is create a connection with the same information so I can come in here, and for instance, log-on as a different user if I wanted to or use the same user and a different connection or a different host. And again, I'll go ahead and save password.
And this time, I'll actually choose a category. So this is a way for you to categorize your connections. I'm going to choose development. And what this will do is color code this particular connection. So we can see the green dot here. And if I actually open up, for instance, an editor, it will be highlighted in green as well.
And finally, the last thing I wanted to show you about the connections themselves, you can either choose Properties here in the toolbar or you can right click and choose Properties to get more information about the connection that you've already established. For instance, if you wanted to change the categories, et cetera, modify some of the options, that's how you get in there. And the right click menu also allows you to disconnect, disconnect all, similar to the toolbar.
And finally, you have import and export options. So to export these connections out, I'll simply choose Export connection. And what this will do is once we select the connections that we want to save out for further use, we choose Export. And this will create an XML file that can be used by another Toad for SAP Solutions application to import those connections in.
I'm not going to say that since I already have one saved. And import is the same thing in reverse, as you would imagine. So let me go ahead and go to my directory. And I'll open this and these are essentially the same connections. But I could import these connections in to my environment if I so choose.
And that's all there is to it, short and simple. To get more information on this or other topics, you can check out the Help file. It has a wide range of information as well as tutorials to help get you started. You can also check out the community driven innovation going on at www.toadworld.com and clicking on the Blog tab.
For more information on this product go to www.Quest.com/products/Toad-for-SAP-Solutions. Thank you, and have a tremendous day.