Automate and accelerate Active Directory recovery. Ransomware is today's most disruptive cyber threat, and Active Directory is increasingly in its crosshairs. Quest® Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Recovery Edition slashes AD forest recovery time from days or weeks to just hours, giving you peace of mind that an AD disaster will not become a business disaster.
of organizations impacted by ransomware
Average downtime due to ransomware
attempted attacks on Azure AD accounts
Fast and secure Active Directory forest recovery is vital following a cyberattack. The longer AD is down, the longer your business is down. “The restore process from many well-documented ransomware attacks has been hindered by not having an intact AD restore process," according to Gartner, which also states that you can “accelerate recovery from attacks by adding a dedicated tool for backup and recovery of Microsoft Active Directory.”
With Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Recovery Edition, you can restore AD at least five times faster than the manual Active Directory forest recovery process, according to ESG Research. One reason for that is due to extensive automation, which reduces the risk of human error and having to start over as the result of those errors. Recovery Manager also protects your AD backups from compromise and eliminates the risk of malware reinfection. It’s like an insurance policy for AD that you can’t afford not to have.
Quest Professional Services ensure your Active Directory recovery plan is in place quickly and validates your forest recovery model. Whether your team lacks the technical expertise, does not have the manpower or just does not have time to configure, test and deploy your solution, our subject matter experts help you through this process using our tested implementation methodology.
Before installing Recovery Manager for Active Directory, ensure that your system meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements.
Minimum: 2.0 GHz
Recommended: 2.0 GHz or faster
CPU Cores
Minimum: 2 CPU cores
Recommended: 4 CPU cores
Minimum: 4 GB
Recommended: 8 GB
These figures apply only if the Active Directory domains managed by Recovery Manager for Active Directory include 1 million objects or less. Increase RAM size by 512 MB for every additional 1 million objects.
Full installation including the prerequisite software: 2.7 GB of free disk space
In case all the prerequisite software is already installed: 260 MB of free disk space
NOTE Additional storage space is required for a backup repository, at least the size of the backed-up Active Directory database file (Ntds.dit) and the SYSVOL folder plus 40MB for the transaction log files.
Targets for backup, restore, or compare operations
Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.8 or higher is needed on the console system.
NOTE: Microsoft .NET 4.8 is not required to be installed on the systems where the Forest Recovery and Backup agents are to be installed. The Secure Storage Agent does use .NET and it is recommended to install 4.8 on the Secure Storage system, but the agent will work with older versions.
Microsoft SQL Server versions
Microsoft SQL Server® is required for the following Recovery Manager for Active Directory features: Comparison Reporting and Forest Recovery Persistence.
Supported SQL Server versions:
Microsoft SQL Server components
Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server® 2014
If this component is not installed, it will be installed automatically by the RMAD setup.
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
To display reports, Recovery Manager for Active Directory can integrate with Microsoft SQL Server® Reporting Services (SRSS) 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2022.
Microsoft Windows PowerShell version 5.0 or later
Supported versions of Change Auditor for Active Directory: from 6.x to 7.x.
If any prerequisite software is not installed, the Setup program automatically installs it for you before installing Recovery Manager for Active Directory. If the prerequisite software to be installed is not included in this release package, it is automatically downloaded.
Continuous recovery: From version 10.0.1, Recovery Manager for Active Directory together with Change Auditor can restore the deleted object(s) and continuously restores the last change (if any) that was made to the object attributes after creating the backup, using the data from the Сhange Auditor database.
The anti-virus checks are performed on the Forest Recovery Console machine running Windows Server 2016 or higher by means of antivirus software installed on the machine.
1 GB (2 GB recommended)
2 GB or more
One of the following operating systems:
Secure Storage Server
Minimum: 2.0 GHz
Recommended: 2.0 GHz or faster
CPU Cores
Minimum: 2 CPU cores
Recommended: 4 CPU cores
Minimum: 4 GB
Recommended: 8 GB
You can only use the Password and SIDHistory Recoverability Tool if Microsoft's Active Directory Recycle Bin is not enabled in your environment.
Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Recovery Edition is upgradeable from version 10.0 or later.