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Toad Training Tuesday (Toad for Oracle): How Do You Enforce Coding Best Practices in Toad for Oracle?

How Do You Enforce Coding Best Practices in Toad for Oracle? - Ask Toad
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Jan. 15, 2019
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
How Do You Enforce Coding Best Practices in Toad for Oracle? - Ask Toad

Are you struggling with unplanned development cycles due to poor code quality and technical debt? Is your development team using agile or DevOps methodologies? The pressure to cut costs and accelerate development often leaves less time for traditional code reviews—a serious problem that can lead to costly errors. In fact, one study found that code bugs cost $1.1 trillion worldwide in a single year!

But what if you could automatically ensure coding best practices are followed? This would help you reduce risk, avoid the stress and costs of fixing coding errors in production, and save hours of work. In this session, you’ll learn how to leverage the Code Analysis feature in Toad® to improve code quality.

Topics that will be discussed include:

  • Customizing, scheduling, and automating code reviews and reports
  • Getting real-time feedback to improve your code as you work
  • Using Toad to scan for known issues, grade code, measure complexity, and identify rule violations
  • Creating your own rules and categories and easily modifying existing Toad rules
  • Sharing rule sets with your colleagues to ensure consistency
  • Integrating code reviews into a DevOps pipeline


  • Mathew Phan, Quest Software
  • Jeff Surretsky, Quest Software

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