Hello. My name is Joe Gostnell. I want to welcome you to the RemoteScan Enterprise ASP Installation series videos. In this video, we will cover registering your RemoteScan server software on the scanning workstation.
Please take note of the RemoteScan icon down in the bottom right-hand corner of your System Tray. Go ahead and just right-click on that and select Register.
Notice the Not registered to or expired statement at the top of the window. And you do have 13 days remaining. That means you can run the RemoteScan server without registering for 13 days. After that 13 days, it will expire, and you will not be able to scan. So you will need to register your software.
Go ahead and click on the dropdown menu here. You might see more than one MAC address listed. If that's the case, you do have a wireless or network card installed on your PC as well.
Once you've selected the MAC address from the dropdown menu which is going to be the gigabit network card on this machine, which is the physical MAC address, go ahead and click the Register Get Unlock Key From Web. And you'll get the success message as well as you're Unlock key. Notice that the Unlock key is now in the Unlocked box down below. So go ahead and click OK.
And note also that it says Registered to now. So your server software on the scanning workstation is registered. So to finalize that, we're going to go ahead and click Save.
Another way to register your RemoteScan server software is through your Customer Portal. You can do that by logging in to www.remote-scan.com/customer. I've already done that. So I'll pull that up. Once you've entered your username and password, you'll see the RemoteScan portal page here.
Please take note of the links on the left-hand side for the Account Management. We're going to go ahead and select the Generate and Unlock Key. This page has a list of all the machines that are currently registered on your account. If you notice we don't have anything listed on this account yet.
If you get down to the bottom of the page here, you have the customer information or MAC address, as well as the machine name. You want to put in the physical, hard wired NIC card, network card MAC address that we had earlier. I'm going to go ahead and put mine in.
Please take note the alpha characters do have to be in all caps. You can also put in a machine name, which is optional. So I'll do that.
Once everything looks OK and has been verified, go ahead and click the Generate Key. Notice now that the new unlock key is listed above as well as your MAC address and the new machine name that you put in.
Go ahead and highlight the new key. Right-click and select Copy, or Control-C on your keyboard. And we're going to go ahead and right-click on the RemoteScan icon again and select Register.
You're going to want to make sure that the network card that you selected with the MAC address you put in is selected. Then in the Unlock Key box, we're going to right-click, select Paste. Or you can select Control-V on your keyboard to put in the new unlock key.
Once that's all in, go ahead and hit the Save button. And that's going to close your RemoteScan icon.
And just to verify that all looks good, you can right-click, select the About or Register screen. And note that it does say Registered to and give your email address.
All right, that concludes our installation and registration series here. Thank you so much for your time. And have a great day.