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Manufacturer ensures security and GDPR compliance

With Change Auditor, we achieved our goal of gaining complete and centralized visibility of security audit operations across the entire Group — including not just our on-premises Windows file servers and domain controllers but also our Office 365 services, such as mail, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business

Mirco Destro, CIO and IT Manager, AFV Beltrame Group

To continue to thrive in its competitive market, Beltrame Group had modernized its IT environment, with help from Quest migration tools. But the IT team lacked the deep visibility required to properly manage and secure their new hybrid ecosystem.

Now, with Change Auditor solutions for Active Directory, logon activity, Windows file servers, Exchange and SharePoint in place, Beltrame Group has complete visibility into changes and user access across its IT environment. As result, the IT team can ensure security, availability and compliance with the GDPR and other regulations. 



Change Auditor for Active Directory
Change Auditor for Active Directory



Change Auditor for Logon Activity
Change Auditor for Logon Activity

在 AD 登入與登出、以及 Azure AD 登入活動發生時,發出警示並報告


Change Auditor for Exchange
Change Auditor for Exchange



Change Auditor for SharePoint
Change Auditor for SharePoint

实现更快、更方便、更安全的Microsoft SharePoint审核


Change Auditor for Windows File Servers
Change Auditor for Windows File Servers

追蹤、稽核所有 Windows 檔案伺服器即時系統變更並接收相關報告
