Watch this 2-part , on-demand webcast on Database Observability and Application Performance Monitoring.
Registering on this page connects you to Part 2, which is a recording of an open forum Q&A session, where live audience questions were answered related to arguments for, and against, the use of standalone Database Observability solutions alongside Application Performance Monitoring (APM) platforms.
Here is a link to the registration page for Part 1, which contains three expert presentations that explain the rationale for, and against, standalone Database Observability with respect to Application Performance Monitoring.
What you will learn
This session will challenge your views on choosing an APM tool or adopting a Database Performance Monitoring solution. Discover key insights that can improve your business case for securing a standalone Database Observability solution that co-exists alongside your company’s Application Performance Monitoring solution.
Amit Parikh, SW Sales Engineering Architect, Quest Software
Mark Gowdy, SW Sales Engineering Sr. Director, Quest Software
Bharath Vasudevan, Head of Go-to-Market, Quest Software
Marydee Ojala, Conference Program Director, Data Summit