In 2019, TEC returned after a seven year hiatus. And it was an amazing sold out success. This year, we're taking tech 2020 to the next level. Along with our Hybrid Active Directory Security and Office 365 tracks, we are adding a third track called Migration and Modernization.
We'll also carve out time for networking and interaction with those industry experts and peers. Folks like Tony Redmond, Shawn Metcalf, Randy Franklin Smith, and even security [INAUDIBLE] experts like Dave Kennedy. With over 30 speakers, ranging from Microsoft employees to independent industry experts, you'll be sure to get the technical insight on Microsoft technologies you are looking for.
TEC 2020 is virtual and free November 17th and 18th. And the best part, you can go back and watch the recordings of any keynote and session again and again. Invaluable training you need to manage your Active Directory and Office 365 environment. Go to and register for free today.