[MUSIC PLAYING] The Experts Conference has the in-depth, face-to-face Microsoft 365 and Hybrid Active Directory training that you've been craving the last few years. We'll be in Atlanta, Georgia, September 20 and 21, and we are thrilled that our day one keynote is with Paula Januszkiewicz, CEO of CQURE, CQURE Academy, a Microsoft Enterprise Security MVP, a Microsoft Regional Director, and a world-class cybersecurity expert. So Paula, thank you for joining us in September. Share with us a little bit about your keynote.
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much, Jennifer, and I'm absolutely honored to be keynote TEC this year to give the hacker's perspective on new risks, to help organizations to revise their cybersecurity priorities. It's going to be about what companies need to focus on, basically within the upcoming year and in general in the cybersecurity terms.
Can you give us a little sneak peek there? Attack paths are always shifting, so where should organizations be focusing their attention?
Well, the effective cyber defense, it's a really long game that it requires continuous strategic investment. So sometimes it might appear that it's, at a certain moment, already too late. And when we look into the past, we see that there are so many different attacks that happened. And due to the poor monitoring or poor incident response procedures, it was, for example, not possible to learn exactly what has happened, though the companies had to recover without really knowing what was the potential point of entry. Therefore, the year 2022, we call actually a year of an incident response planning, or cyber crisis management planning.
Well, it sounds very timely for TEC in September. Our attendees are always thirsty for more information, new information. Can you share with us how you stay up with the latest yourself?
As far as in-depth knowledge is concerned, it's worth reading reports of respected institutions. So for example, different technical companies summarizing the year, also to get some perspective of what was in the past, what's going to be in the future. So thanks to this, we can be sure that our knowledge is supported by real statistics and real case studies. And also listen and read comments of trusted experts. For example, on LinkedIn, they usually post some interesting reliable information and also some portals, like maybe Threatpost, where you can read about some news in the cybersecurity. So in general, we always need to keep our eyes wide open.
Well, Paula, we're excited that you're going to be sharing your expertise with us in Atlanta, September 20 and 21. For those who would like to learn from and talk to Paula, as well as the rest of our lineup of keynotes and experts, please consider joining The Experts Conference. TEC is an intimate event connecting Microsoft 365 and Active Directory experts with you, connecting you with your peers and providing up to 10 CPE credits. And if you're an ISC certification holder, we'll submit those on your behalf. So register today at TheExpertsConference.com.