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Webcast: Unlock New Revenue Sources as a MSP with Quest KACE

Webcast: Unlock New Revenue Sources as a MSP with Quest KACE
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Jul. 15, 2020
  • Evento:A pedido
Webcast: Unlock New Revenue Sources as a MSP with Quest KACE

Your customers have had to pivot how and where they conduct business over the last several months, creating a greater need for them to better manage and secure their endpoints. In this webcast, we'll show you how the shift towards a hybrid workforce presents a greater opportunity for managed service providers (MSPs) to assist your customers and provide them with solutions that keep them productive and secure anytime and anywhere.

Lo que aprenderá

You’ll learn how unified endpoint management (UEM) can help your customers better support a flexible workforce, as well as how leveraging the KACE portfolio of products can help put you on a clear path to profitability by expanding your service offering to include:

  • Patch management and endpoint security
  • Application and OS deployments
  • Software license and IT asset compliance
  • Cybersecurity and least-privileged access management


 David Gil Galindo - KACE Pre Sales, EMEA

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