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Detecting Insider Threats in Office 365 and Hybrid AD

Detecting Insider Threats in Office 365 and Hybrid AD
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Oct. 24, 2019
  • Evento:A pedido
Detecting Insider Threats in Office 365 and Hybrid AD

Office 365, AD and Azure AD security are critical for your business continuity, especially when it comes to mitigating insider threats. Unfortunately, native auditing tools are limited in their event-tracking capabilities, and thus create a growing blind spot in security monitoring.

So, how can you effectively detect Office 365 and hybrid AD security events and be protected against insider threats?

Watch this on-demand webcast and join renowned cybersecurity expert, Randy Franklin Smith, and strategic systems consultant, Matthew Vinton from Quest, as they discuss security events you should monitor and how to seamlessly track Office 365 and hybrid AD changes with On Demand Audit.


  • Randy Franklin Smith
  • Matthew Vinton

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