So I'm with Antioch Unified School District, which is a K-12 school district. We have three high schools, four and [? 1/2 ?] middle schools. One is actually a K-8-- and 14 elementary schools. I am the supervisor of technology support. I'm over the help desk technician and the field technicians. There's five of them [INAUDIBLE]. As you can tell, four people boots on the ground is not very much. So obviously we need the tools like the KASE SDA to keep us moving, because there's just no way for us to get it all done without it. Before we had KACE we were using Ghost to do our [INAUDIBLE] imaging. Beyond that we weren't really doing any inventory besides just a Filemaker database that was way out of date. Patching and update was all manually. We did have a WSUS server there for a little while that was doing some of our patching. It was very spotty.
So this was a really good jump for us to get to the next future, because we would literally take weeks on ends to image bulks of computer with a Ghosting. But now with using the SDA, it's so much cleaner, so much faster. We're able to do it on site now, because we set up replication shares as well as RSAs at all of our sites. So now we can keep it off the site links. And we're moving everything to Windows 10 over the next probably 18 months. So every school in the district, every computer, everything is getting upgraded. We're rolling out Office 365. We've bought Adobe Suite now for the entire district. We're going to start implementing Microsoft Classroom and Classlink, which is going to house all of our internal and external resources. So we've got a whole face lift coming right now real soon. And KACE is going to basically make that happen. There's no way we could do without.
When I started at the school district in the technology department 17 years ago, we actually had the same number of staff as we do now. However, back then, when I started, computers were there as an extra, a nicety. Well now they're a necessity. Now it's for state testing, and attendance, everything like that. It has to happen all the time. So we actually have more uptime that is required as far as more resources are required. But we're working with the same number of staff as before. So without this there's no way we could have done that.
When we first deployed KACE I don't think our users noticed much of a difference, because normally we're in their face. I've got to do updates. Oh, there's a new software I've got to come install for you, and going through every machine and doing it. So they probably noticed we weren't out there as much. But as far as everyday, they probably didn't realize that their machines are up to date now, and they're getting newer software there, without actually having to see someone coming to show up in the classroom.
So what I like best about KACE is the KACE staff. They are really in tune to what the customer needs in support and as far as advancements, enhancements. I myself have used the KACE user voice forum for feature updates. They really listen to their users to improve the product. As far as the product itself I can do the work of 15 technicians with the four I have, because that's what I have to work with.