In today’s security landscape, identity, and Active Directory in particular, is a cyber attacker’s prime target, with 80% of breaches now involving compromised identities. From an attackers’ point of view, it makes sense – control Active Directory, and yo
Discover the five key Active Directory security challenges that organizations are experiencing in the face of modern security threats. Then explore how Security Guardian from Quest can help you overcome those challenges.
このホワイトペーパーでは、最新の Active Directory移行機能とQuest On Demand Migrationに追加された機能およ び特長を確認し、Active Directory対応の On Demand Migrationサポートと共に今 回提供された新しいディレクトリ同期 サービスで解決可能な、上記のように最 も一般的な実際のシナリオを紹介します。