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TEC Talk: Migrating T2T with Native Tools

TEC Talk: Migrating T2T with Native Tools
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Jan. 18, 2024
  • Événement:a la demande
TEC Talk: Migrating T2T with Native Tools

Microsoft is developing solutions to perform native tenant-to-tenant migrations without third-party tools. Solutions for mail and OneDrive migrations are generally available for sale, and solutions for other workloads are being tested in preview mode. In this session, we cover the processes for performing mail and OneDrive migrations natively, review the pros and cons compared to third party tools, learn about other solutions being developed, and provide our thoughts on what else we expect in the future. 


Mike Weaver is a Microsoft MVP and Sr. Product Manager at ThousandEyes (part of Cisco). With a wealth of experience in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures (MAD), Mike provides practical guidance on migration and integration issues - advising on both technology and user considerations – and has developed products focused on Active Directory, PST, and cross-tenant migrations.

Twitter: @MADMike_365 / Blog: MADMike.net

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