Hello, and welcome to today's TEC talk called Office 365-- Guard the Galaxy of Your Email Users. My name is Jennifer Lupiba. I'm the host for our TEC Talks today. But you won't really be hearing from me. I'll be hearing mostly from our expert that we have here, Susan Bradley. So we're going to be talking about business email compromise. And Susan is going to walk us through how to spot and defend against BEC attacks. These attacks are still happening. BEC attacks are pretty old attacks, but they're still happening. They're still very lucrative for cyber criminals. And certainly, with Office 365, your email users are definitely at risk for falling prey to these types of attacks.
In fact, just the other day, I read about a UK Premier League club targeted in a BEC scam. And this the scam also targeted several others. And was by a Nigerian Instagram star. He was posting lots of pictures about his lavish lifestyle. This attack against the soccer club and those other folks was about porn and $35 million dollars.
Luckily, these were just schemes. The guy was living large. Like I said, he was documenting his luxury on Instagram. And when he was arrested in Dubai, he had $40.9 million in cash on him. So these are definitely still happening. And we're really lucky to have Susan Bradley here. She is a Microsoft MVP, and will walk us through that. I will give a little bit more detail about Susan here in the next couple of slides.
I do want to say that these TEC Talks are CPE eligible. So what I did in the past is I would ask people to send me an email. I'd send them an attendance receipt. Well, what I believe-- I did some more research. Using your registration email that you received, plus the slides that I'll send out afterwards, you can use both of those, just the registration email, and then the slides, as proof of your attendance. You submit that to whatever accreditation that you seek, or submit it for continuing education that you need to maintain for your place of employment.
These TEC Talks are hosted by Quest software. But by no means do we do any of our product pitches in these TEC Talks. They're pure training, in the spirit of the experts conference. And just to give a quick pitch here on the experts conference, so TEC, the experts conference, TEC talk, all the same thing.
The TEC talk today is similar to what you would see at the experts conference. We were so hopeful for November 17th and 18th in Atlanta. Things were going down. Obviously, things are not right now. So we have made the prudent decision to take TEC virtual. And since we're doing that, we also wanted to make it free for individuals. We usually charge for this conference. It is all training. It is CPE eligible. We bring in a lot of experts like Susan Bradley, David Kennedy from TrustedSec. WE Microsoft folks like Chris McNulty and Pamela Dingle, Sean Metcalf and Randy Franklin Smith on the AD side, and lots of other Office 365 experts.
And we decided to make it free. It's virtual. You can come and go as you please. You can jump between tracks, as much as you want. And you can come back and watch all the recordings if you've missed it. We've got three tracks-- hybrid Active Directory security, Office 365, and Migration and Modernization, which will also deal with a lot of mergers and acquisitions.
So you can start to register for the experts conference at theexpertsconference.com. Go ahead and register for that. We are transitioning the site to talk about virtual. I think right now, it might still say in person. You can just ignore that for the moment. Because we have made that decision here recently. We're in the process of getting those things changed over. But you can register. Your register for free. And then as we get closer, we'll be sending out all the links to where you need to go to be watching this.
We will be using Teams to convey that conference. And we're working through a couple different options to also have that face-to-face interaction with the speakers that pass attendees of the experts conference and loved so much, being able to talk one on one, or face-to-face, I should say, with these different experts. So go to theexpertsconference.com, feel free to register. It is free, and it is virtual.
Our next TEC talk, and actually the last one we'll have until we actually have the experts conference in November, will be in a month, August 12th. And this is led by Adam Leatherman. He's also a Microsoft MVP. He will be talking about how to migrate the rest of your files into Microsoft 365. So everybody rushed to enable 365. You probably ported over to some really important stuff. Now, what's that next wave of migration that you need to look at? So he will talk through the different options there, the different ways you might use the different content repositories that Office 365 offers.
So introducing our speakers, Susan Bradley, I'm really excited to have her here. She is a Microsoft Security MVP. She writes for AskWoody.com and CSO Online. She's also known as the Patch Lady, and as an advocate for patch management, as we know, is extremely important.
One of the things I love about Susan and working with her at last year's TEC and for this year's TEC is, Susan works for a financial services firm in California. And she manages a fleet of business systems, including Office 365 servers, all the devices that are connecting to it. So she's got that boots on the ground experience that I think is really valuable. She's in your shoes right now, and she's living this. So I'll turn it over to Susan and let you have it. Tha