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A Three Step Approach to Keeping Your Network Safe from Ransomware

A Three Step Approach to Keeping Your Network Safe from Ransomware
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Sept. 25, 2019
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
A Three Step Approach to Keeping Your Network Safe from Ransomware

Don’t get snared in ransomware attacks by basing your defenses around a security product rather than a strategy. While security products do play an undeniably important role in the fight against ransomware, the only way to ensure that an organization is truly protected is to base protective efforts around a well-thought-out defensive strategy.

In this webcast, you’ll learn the three crucial steps and components of cybersecurity strategy that can help you to gain the upper hand and strengthen your ransomware defenses.

You’ll learn:

  • How to detect previously overlooked vulnerabilities that could be exploited
  • Key features around patching and software deployment through a live demo
  • Strategies for keeping your endpoints up to date


  • Brien Posey
  • Jillian Salamon

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