Hi. My name is Olga and I'm a content developer in Toad for SQL server team. In this video I'm going to show you how you can compare and synchronize source schema against multiple target schemas using the Toad Schema Comparison Tool.
I've got latest Toad for SQL server 6.0 up and running. I can invoke schema compare with tools, compare, schema compare. Or I can simply right click several databases in the object explorer and select Schema Compare. Previously, Schema Compare allowed to compare and synchronize schemas one per one. Now I can select several databases. As you see, all of them are listed in this schema compare with.
The first one is set as source Dallas as target. I can modify my selection, I can remove databases, or I can even drag the databases from the object explorer. In order to customize my selection I click edit. The connections to this is absolutely the same as have gotten there connection manager. And the databases that I have already selected for comparison are checked and at least 10 are shown next to connection name. I can assign aliases and even colors.
What is more, I browse with a list of connections and select the database that is on the side of the other servers. The search functionality is also available. Here I'll also assign aliases and the colors. By default, the connection category color is taken. Now I've got one source and four targets in this schema compare wizard. And as I'm ready, I click next.
At this comparison's step I can specify the objects for comparison, but I'd rather click next again so that all objects included in comparison. I use the default settings and I click next once again. I'll skip this schema instruction process because it greatly depends on the system productivity. Well, now it's done and after the schemas were compared their wizard provides with initial summary in four.
So I see that results are grouped by target. I click next to proceed to details. Previously , schema compare results were focused on the object comparison, but now there is the overview for all selected targets. Here is the target's pane at the right, and the old targets are listed here. The object pane shows information for all targets. You see that the columns are marked with a colored dots and the numbers. And the selected target column is highlighted.
It's used in multi-target comparing to review differences between the source schema and targets within the same pane. As you remember, I assigned colors for my schema, so now they are shown as lines in the script pane and called what's in the object and target panes. In order to see the differences between the objects I click on the object name and on that target name next.
After comparing targets I can synchronize them or send to automation. So I click in the right script. Now I should proceed with this schema synchronization wizard. As I want to preview synchronization script before execution I select open synchronization results and click next. So here are my synchronization scripts. And I also have a target pane here and I can click on the target name to review the script. And when I click execute script I see the pane the way I can expertly preselect the targets I want to execute my synchronization scripts against.