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Forrester Consulting study reveals $19.7M savings recovering from ransomware losses with Quest 

Forrester Consulting study reveals $19.7M savings recovering from ransomware losses with Q...

          “Sometimes, leaders who make budget decisions are not as technical
          and may not understand what DRE does. I would explain that without it,
          none of our employees would be able to log in for seven days if we
          were attacked.

             --Global infrastructure and operations manager, manufacturing

Active Directory (AD) is a tier zero asset. When AD fails—whether caused by ransomware or similar catastrophe--the IT environment comes to a grinding halt, which means the entire organization stops working and the C-suite is on high alert until AD is restored.

To quantify the potential economic impact of AD outages and recovery, Quest commissioned Forrester Consulting to interview five Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Recovery Edition (RMAD DRE) customers and aggregate into a composite organization.

The Total Economic ImpactTM study results are eye-opening:

  • The hourly cost of AD downtime ($730k)
  • The 90% improvement to recover AD with RMAD DRE by year three
  • The $19.7M potential savings over three years from faster recovery from ransomware attack with RMAD DRE
  • The math and assumptions behind these calculations

Complete the form now to get the full study results.

DisclaimerThe Forrester Total Economic ImpactTM study for Quest Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Recovery Edition is a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Quest in February 2023 that evaluated the solution’s cost of ownership and return on investment across a variety of different factors.

Forrester Consulting study reveals $19.7M savings recovering from ransomware losses with Q...

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