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M&A Integration Framework for Office 365 Tenant Migrations

M&A Integration Framework for Office 365 Tenant Migrations

With mergers and acquisitions on the rise, IT pros need to be prepared not just for today’s IT integration project, but tomorrow’s as well.

This tech brief presents a proven framework and reusable tools for successful M & A IT integrations — including not just the O365 tenant migration itself, but ongoing security, governance, and backup & recovery also. You’ll learn how to master all the key tasks involved, including how to:

  • Accurately assess your current accounts and workloads
  • Reliably back up and recover your cloud or hybrid IT environment
  • Ensure seamless coexistence throughout the migration
  • Deliver cost-effective license management
  • Establish effective Office 365 auditing and Active Directory group management
M&A Integration Framework for Office 365 Tenant Migrations



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