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County enhances critical services for citizens with Toad®

We actually have a waiting list of DBAs and developers who want Toad on their desktops.They tell me they just can’t function without it.

Sue Camner, Senior Operating Systems Programmer and DBA Manager

To keep critical government services constantly available and aligned to the needs of local citizens, Miami-Dade County delivers the full range of government services for local citizens, including water and sewer services, solid waste services, police and fire services, and taxation services. These are supported by a complex database infrastructure that must remain constantly available. The county deployed Toad® for Oracle and Toad for SQL Server to help them improve services to citizens and increase DBA productivity.

Read this case study to see how Miami-Dade’s DBAs use Toad to accelerate routine tasks and ensure their critical databases are constantly available.



Toad for Oracle
Toad for Oracle



Toad for SQL Server
Toad for SQL Server

缩短在SQL Server应用程序开发和数据库管理方面花费的时间。
