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Manufacturer ensures fast and reliable AD backup and recovery

"The careful planning that we've put in [with Recovery Manager for Active Directory] to ensuring the resiliency of this environment means that we've bought the right insurance plan."

Brian Rowe, Director of Information, Security and IT, Rehrig Pacific Company

Rehrig Pacific Company, one of the premier leaders in the plastic manufacturing industry, pride themselves on solving their customers’ pain points with innovative, easy-to-manage products. They knew that, in order to keep innovating, their IT infrastructure – and more specifically, their Active Directory environment (AD) – must be able to quickly recover from disaster.

Native recovery tools are limited, however, and Rehrig found it difficult and time consuming to recover objects at a granular level, restore objects without downtime or pinpoint changes to attributes.

Now, with Quest Recovery Manager for Active Directory, Rehrig Pacific Company has the simple, granular backup and recovery tool they need to quickly recover from AD disaster.
