Nova is a single platform for total Office 365 management.
Automate, control, and delegate crucial Office 365 functions from one interface, whether you have one tenant, or a hundred.
With actionable visibility at every level, Nova delivers full control and platform stability. With the click of a button, you have access to several robust, key features to further enable IT teams. Aside from Cloud Commander and Adoption Accelerator, the Service Monitoring component provides Office 365 workload availability monitoring, using robots deployed on-premises to assess user experience and pinpoint issues. Nova’s Reporting and Analytics administer detailed Office 365 analytics for monitoring service adoption, license management, mail flow, security settings, permissions, storage optimization, and so much more. Nova offers Delegation and Policy Control, a granular role-based access control and delegated rights tool, with preconfigured and custom management actions. Finally, our Security, Auditing and Compliance tools allow you to protect your Office 365 environment with powerful auditing and on-event alerting to prevent, detect and investigate threats, while also achieving GDPR compliance.
Contact us to see how Nova can streamline operations, deliver full control of your environment, and empower your IT Teams to work on processes, rather than getting tied up in them.