All right. Good morning, everybody and welcome to today's tech talk on Hardening Privileged AD Access. I am your host for today, Jennifer LuPiba, with Quest Software. And I am joined today by our speaker Brian Desmond, principal from Ravens group technology-- Ravenswood Technology Group. He's also a 15-time Microsoft MVP for IAM.
So first of all, I am very glad that you guys were able to join. I want to go through a few housekeeping tips.
For those that had some errors joining, my apologies. We are integrating teams live events into our back end events system. And I'm one of the first folks to do that here. So we're finding a few bugs.
But since you guys are able to join, you did get my updated email while we work those things out in our system in the back. So thank you for your patience and for joining us today.
The Q&A will be open. And we'll hold the questions until the end. And I'll read them off, and Brian can answer those. And I'll type the responses back so we also have the written response.
For those who would like CPE credit or a read receipt and the slides so they can submit them for some kind of continuing education that you applied for, please email me. So if you look in the announcements, you should see my email there. And I will send you both of those items so that you can get some credit for this.
So today's talk around hardening privilege AD access, we wanted to bring our tech talks that we've been doing over the last several weeks back to Active Directory. So as your Active Directory has been getting a lot of the attention, a lot of the love right now, because it helps to enable that remote work with Office 365, but we can't take our eyes off of on-premise Active Directory, which is Enterprises still have that on-premise Active Directory and will for some time.
And you know, and AD is where everything begins, both for on-premises security as well as for Azure AD and then replicating it up there. So that's why we have decided to put today's session on to share some helpful reminders around how to make an adversary's job much harder by hardening privilege access.
So today's presentation is a TEC Talk. This is not a Quest product pitch. It's not our typical webcasts where we might give a Quest pitch at the end. This is pure training in the spirit of our Active Directory and Office 365 training conference, which is the experts' conference.
So here, let me advance the slide. The Experts Conference. This is an event that Quest sponsors that we put on each year. Really focuses around bringing that training, the type of training you're going to see today from one of our tech speakers, Brian Desmond is one of our tech speakers, bringing that to the attendees.
And we're really excited because this year we're replicating the hybrid Active Directory security track and the Office 365 track that we had last year. We're adding a third track around migration and modernization because that is a very important topic, and we receive a lot of feedback that our attendees would also like to continue to see more around best practices, lessons learned, around Office 365 and AD migrations and modernization projects.
The Experts Conference is also a great way where we carve out time for networking and interacting with those industry experts and peers, folks like today's speaker, Brian Desmond, other folks like Randy Franklin Smith, Sean Metcalf, Chris McNulty, David Kennedy is a founder of TrustedSec.
You know, we have over 30 speakers ranging from Microsoft employees, Microsoft and BP's industry experts so you're sure to get the technical insights on Microsoft technologies that you're looking for. Right now TEC 2020 is slated for November 17 through the 18 in Atlanta, Georgia. Smack dab in Midtown Atlanta.
You know, we understand that this is a very new situation that we're all going through. November is still a very long ways away. We are optimistic about where we as a country may stand with COVID-19. But we also understand this is a new experience for everyone. So we are planning for every possibility.
We are still planning for an in-person event. You know, we would still like to have that. We are a smaller event, and we have a very large venue. So being able to build in safe and healthy social distancing practices will be possible.
But we are also building contingency plans because we want to make sure that everyone feels very comfortable with the event and some of the different options that we'll provide so that you can you can attend. One of the things we are doing right now is because we're still planning it for in-person, we do have really great early bird rates set up for this. And you know, given that we're not sure how things will roll out, we do offer a full refund as well if something has to change. So you can be comfortable with registering and knowing that if something needs to change, you can easily, easily work with us.
So continuing forward, one other announcement before I introduce Brian. We have another TEC Talks set up on June 3 with Amy Babinchak. She is a Microsoft MVP for Office 365.
She is going to be speaking directly to the US Department Of Homeland Security CISA Security Warning. They put out a security alert a couple of weeks ago around rushed Office 365 deployments given that everyone's trying to enable work from home.
And so she is going to have a very demo-heavy presentation around different things you can do inside of Office 365 that help mitigate some of the issues that he CISA is warning about. And she'll be walking through also what CISA is recommending as mitigation techniques